Released by the Doc

It has has been a long 4 months since my injury in St. Louis. It is so hard being hurt when your an athlete and can not do the simpliest things, like walking. It’s like being a caged up animal and all you want to do is tear a hole in your cage to get the heck out!

Getting off crutches felt like a new lease on life and now I have taken the next step and am able to ride. It’s like a miracle, ha ha. Not really, (since my doctor in Seattle did an amazing job on my leg) but man it feels great to be back on my Monster Energy Kawasaki.

As for plans moving forward, everything is up in the air. I know everyone wants to see me put in a few Outdoor races before the season ends, but we will just have to wait and see how it all pans out. I rode for the first time on Wed July 28th and I felt good, but it is going to take a few weeks to get back in the swing of things.

Thats all I have for now. I will update you guys as soon as I get anymore info.