Update – It’s been a while!!

Hey everyone,

I’m pretty excited on my third nomination for an espy! It’s amazing to be considered amongst such a talented group of world class athletes. I mean, we definitely put in the work but these guys kill it too!  But vote for me lol!!

That said,  sorry to have been outta the loop lately, but I have been doing some traveling to visit sponsors and such. Got to check out my first ever MotoGP in Catalunya which was crazy. I never knew how loud those bikes were or how fast they actually go. Amazing in person! I definitely recommend checking one out if you ever have the chance.  Also, got to go to an Mxgp in Germany which was cool as well. Those guys have a lot of talent and my hat goes off to them.

It’s been nice having sometime off so I can do these kinda of things for sponsors since the normal race schedule doesn’t allow the time. Other than that I am working on getting this knee back to 100% and looking forward to 2015. May see you guys at a few races for some pr and autograph sessions!

Till next time….  Oh yeah,  don’t forget to VOTE!!! Voting ends July 16th @ 9pm EST.


– RV

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