Well you’ve probably wondered what I’ve been up to the last few months and I finally got a chance to sit down and type this up. A lot has gone on since my last update in November so let me fill you in:

Right before Thanksgiving we headed off to Spain to do some testing with my team and attend the FIM Gala.

We got some solid riding in at bunch of different tracks around Spain, and had some great food thanks to my food connoisseur/team owner Thierry! Not to mention my friend and MotoGP racer Dani Pedrosa hooked me up with his buddy Sete Gibernau, who let us come to his house and do some riding on his fleet of mini-MotoGP bikes— it was unreal. Hopefully we can do that again. I know I can shave off some time from the stopwatch, lol.  And last but not least, Sete’s cousin Peto took us on a tour of some of Barcelona’s most historic spots, which were amazing. Peto actually runs a track/camp out there, which you should check out www.poleacamp.com.

This shot was taken by Guy B. from VitalMX. It was taken during our DC Shoes photoshoot at Jeremy McGrath's private Thing Valley Ranch.
(This shot was taken by Guy B. from VitalMX. It was taken during our DC Shoes photoshoot at Jeremy McGrath’s private Thing Valley Ranch.)

Next, we arrived in Jerez for the Gala. I’m really not one for the limelight but there was a lot of buzz because of my new endeavor. Still, it was quite exciting. Overall it was a lot of fun… dress up in a penguin suit (haha) and hang with a bunch of other top athletes from all over the world. The highlight was Sunday evening when I was awarded a medal for my fourth consecutive Supercross title— a good way to stamp my U.S. career.

Once we got back to the States it was only two days before Thanksgiving so my wife and I shot up home to Washington to spend some time with family.  We also got to step foot into our new home we purchased over the summer and guess what? It snowed! We got to experience the PNW life to its fullest and use our wood-burning fireplace. I have truly missed it up there. Afterwards, it was back to California to get ball rolling with training and riding.

Last month I finally had a chance to make it up to Zaca Station and it actually turned out to be a pretty good place to test. It's a pretty nice little circuit just north of Santa Barbara, Califronia.
(Last month I finally had a chance to make it up to Zaca Station and it actually turned out to be a good place to test. It’s a pretty nice little track just north of Santa Barbara, California.)

Right now, it’s kind of the boring part. The everyday grind of training and riding/testing. However, at this point the main goal is to get the bike dialed-in so I am comfortable. The rest will come. In Europe, the team runs some different hard parts here and there and their bike set-up is a bit different than what I’m use to, so it’s a bit of a learning curve. But, I think we have pretty much worked all the bugs out and are sitting pretty good. It definitely takes time but anything worth doing does. Hard work pays off! “NO SHORTCUTS.”

That’s about all I have for now. We’re busy getting ready to make the move over to Europe later this month so it’s all hands on deck… -RV


So it’s been a couple of weeks since my last update. Everything is going well and I’ve been able to put in a good amount of seat time on my new Euro-spec KX450F. It’s pretty cool because the FIM series isn’t as restricted as SX/MX so we get to try some different stuff.

For instance my bike uses an trick-looking carbon fiber subframe that also serves as the airbox. It’s not a huge weight savings, but every little bit helps at this level. Other than that, my bike isn’t too different than last year’s.

We’ve been doing a little bit of testing here and there, but mainly I’m just focusing on putting in motos and getting my pace back to where it needs to be. Outside of that, I’ve been spending sometime working on a couple garage projects and hanging with my wife, Kristen, and my two French Bullies, Olive and Sako.

As you’re reading this I’m taking off to Spain for the FIM gala. This time I have my wife and Tanner (my practice bike mechanic/man friend, J/K Tanner, haha) in tow. We are actually heading over a week early, as the team decided to combine this trip with some more testing which is always good, because Qatar will be here before we know it.

That’s all for now, I’ll drop another update when I return from Spain… -RV

Right now the focus is putting in motos and working on getting my pace back where it needs to be.
(Right now the focus is putting in motos and working on getting my pace back where it needs to be. BTW, I took this photo on my new GoPro Hero 4. This camera blows me away.)