The SX season is over and it seems like Anaheim was just yesterday. It’s crazy how fast the year flys by. Vegas can be unpredictable with the dirt and such but was good for me this year. Nice to put the finishing touch on after winning the championship last weekend.
That said, the only problem with this success was the decision to have to put an end to it for the year. My knee has been a lingering problem and decision on what and how to handle it finally came to a dead end. It’s a catch 22, try to struggle through and hope we make it or get it fixed losing the ability to defend my title. All and all it came down to being healthy and able to preform at 100% so the docs and I agreed to was time.
While it’s a huge bummer for me and my awesome Monster Energy Kawasaki team (not to mention all of my other killer sponsors) gotta do what you gotta do.
Best of luck to all the other riders in the 2014 MX season. Will have to make it out for a few to check out the competition!
Looking forward to a speedy recovery and 2015!!!